Saturday, October 28, 2006

Non-sequitar #2

Today is .
Great as well, I lost my right contacts and I'm left with only 1. Say goodbye to another $20 soon.
Anyway, I brought my holga out today and I snapped another one shot. That's how sacred I keep my holga as. I need to start treating it as a toy already and then get more films from Ruby's :X Oh yeah, so a friend called to inform me about the 4E2/4E3'05 chalet thing on the 18th Dec. Hope I'll be able to make it, just so I could see how everyone is.

OC is burning my brain, 4 more episodes to go!

I just realise how irritating lonely people (like me) are when they simply want to go out and rant on and on and on about the 'i-want-to-hang-out-desperately-or-i'll-die' part. The part where Marissa broke up with ryan and felt all lonely and just wants to hang with Summer and when Summer couldn't make it, it's sad you know. I want someone to just call me up and tell them they want to meet me right now. And not whether I could meet them. There's a difference and it feels good to be wanted. Hoh.

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